Miiverse Drawings Compilation
A collection of Danny Poloskei's Wii U and 3DS drawings posted to the now-defunct Miiverse! It was a neat little system where players could write or draw comments, then post them for the world to see. The posts would sometimes be integrated into the games to some extent - usually it'd show a slideshow of posts when you'd clear a stage or something.

Created on 2014-05-11
Based on Captain Falcon's Twister Race from Nintendo Land.

Created on 2014-05-11
It's Kirby with the 'ninja' ability.

Created on 2014-05-11
Based on Octopus Dance from Nintendo Land.

Created on 2014-05-11
It's the return of Ganon! A throwback to the game over screen from Zelda II.

Created on 2014-05-20
The Gameboy title "Donkey Kong" featured Mario jumping over barrels and chasing Donkey Kong. Mario had several death animations in the game depending on if you died by fire, falling from too high, getting hit by a monster, etc. Anyway, this is a drawing of one of the death animations.

Created on 2014-05-20
A depiction of Nintendo Land inhabited by Kirbys.

Created on 2014-05-20
With enough progress in Nintendo Land's Octopus Dance game, the music changes. Somehow it's strayed quite far from the Game & Watch style Octopus!

Created on 2014-05-21
Just a little Captain Falcon salute.

Created on 2014-09-20
A drawing prompt from Game & Wario. I decided to make the tree look like Whispy Woods.

Created on 2014-09-20
A drawing prompt from Game & Wario. I drew the Gameboy game cartridge for Kirby's Dreamland.

Created on 2014-09-20
A drawing prompt from Game & Wario. I'll take Yoshi's egg scrambled!

Created on 2014-11-22
A drawing prompt from Game & Wario. Kirby's riding this shooting star.

Created on 2014-12-23
Stahl from Fire Emblem Awakening. The drawing's cut off due to the small drawing area allowed in Miiverse posts.