Over a week late, but Happy New Years! Cloudflash now has a new site navigation bar at the top of the screen. You'll notice I used ice instead of fire. Oooooh. Also, the submission pages are being updated so all the info, the screenshot, and the movie/game are all in the same table. Also the drop-down menus work now! Wow, I'm on a roll. So if you want to find a similar submission, just click the drop-down menu and select an option. No updates as far as the indexes go... yet... Anyhow, enjoy the updates. Oh, and also, you can no longer right click any Cloudflash pages... >:-)

Alrighty! I've updated all of the submission pages now. Bucket of shorts 2 finally has its score, and we have a new movie from Skutieos; Bob episode 1. You may have noticed an image with this update, I'll be using images like that one from now on. Also, I'm fed up with resizing screenshot images that go with submissions, and I am no longer doing it. If it isn't 70px by 70px, I'm just pressing CTRL+E in MS Paint, and making 70px by 70px, regardless of how the picture looks afterwards (I'm looking at you, Skuttys!). Well, enjoy the movie, don't forget to vote and give comments on the forum. I'll probably change the movie and game indexes sometime, as they are a bit outdated now... Oh, and lastly, there's a link to the Cloudflash Chatroom in the Other section.

I made some minor updates to the Other section, including new instructions on affiliating with Cloudflash. I've also removed the affiliate instructions on this page (index).

There's a new game, Dave Beckett the Game, created for art class. Hopefully I'll be getting back to work on my Flash projects soon... Just gotta handle exam week first (starts January 23).

I've created/added a new sprite movie, Cecil vs. Kain. Check it out, and all that sort.

I've been meaning to change the movie and game index pages since I changed the submission pages... So here it is at last! There will now be 15 submissions per index page, and page numbers (buttons) to go to the next page of submissions. Keep the submissions coming everyone; we're still on page 1 for games y'know. Also, I've finally created a Cloudflash Preloader. You can download it at the Other section. I'll make more (different kinds) if you guys like the idea of having a Cloudflash Preloader. Here's some other stuff now:
-By request, Bob Episode 1 was removed from Cloudflash.
-I'm thinking of changing the backgrounds on the pages; I'll deal with that one later though.
-Cecil vs. Kain and Dave Beckett the Game have their scores.

I'm sure no one noticed, but there was a minor glitch on the Cloudflash Preloader. I fixed it though, so no worries. Also, I remembered that Flash MX can't open Flash MX 2004 files, so there is now a Flash MX preloader and a Flash MX 2004 preloader. They are the same, but saved as different formats. The Preloaders can be found in the Other section. Also, I've finished making a basic shooting game. Yes, it's repetitive. Yes, the sounds are annoying. But at least it's something, right? Well, I'll let your guys' votes decide on that one. So yeah, check out The Invasion on the Games page. Lastly, I'll let you guys in on a little something. As usual, I didn't feel like working on my current Flash projects, so I started another new one. This one's a first person shooter; health bar, ammunition, reload, game is from your point of view. So far I think it's looking pretty good. I don't plan to show any previews on this game yet.

Cloudflash now has its first wallpaper; available at the Other section. It's a pretty simple wallpaper, but it's decent. It's 1024px by 768px, so it should stretch to your desktop quite well. In other news, Skutieos has made a new movie, Mr. Happy Balloon, which can be seen in the Movies section. Also, I saw a Flash movie posted on some other forums a while ago, and asked if the creator would be so kind as to submit it to Cloudflash, so you can sorta expect to see that one soonish. Guess that's all for now.

I'm not sure where everyone went, but I'll go on with this stuff anyways. I haven't been around much lately, but I have a good reason. I came up with some sort of character, and then decided I'd make a Flash movie series based on him. Then I made a little comic, because it's hard to make Flash movies without a plan. Then I created some more characters, and another short comic. So I've been working on these things for now. I might make some new section or something if you guys want to see these comics (I'd have to remake them on the computer, since I've been making them on paper). When I have enough of these comics, I'll start working on Flash movies based on it. I guess now I can tell you that the characters in the Cloudflash Wallpapers are from my comic. Oh, and I added another wallpaper. So yeah, hope that explains my partial absence. I hope to make a good Flash series out of this, so it deserves planning. Aside from that, I've been watching more Ranma ½. I'll try to cut back on that a bit, so I have more time for Flash and stuff. And just for you guys, I'm gonna work on Meteolife right now, even though I don't feel like it.

I'm working on getting more affiliates for Cloudflash, to get it known a little bit better. Also, I'm still working on my Flash movies and games, and will hopefully finish something new soon. Also, I signed up for some sort of site which basically works just like dot TK. It allows another URL to show the Cloudflash page, but they aren't actually hosting any of the files. That URL is www.cloudflash.co.nr, and it doesn't have pop-ups or ads on the page. But according to their rules, their button has to be on the homepage (even though I think it would be much better on the Other section), so it is located at the News.

I've finished Lambada Ranma, and it can be found in the Movies section. I'm still looking around for good affiliates. Make sure you check out our affiliates now and then. Also, I'm working on contacting "Impressed Arts", because he said he would submit "Tetris the Apocalypse", and he sent me the info, but not the movie. Anyhow, the point is that I'm getting to that. Well, enjoy Lambada Ranma. --- Ah, morning already... Time flies when you're... sleeping. Anyhow, Skutieos has submitted a new movie, Homer Simpson Meets Mario, which can also be found at Movies. --- Oh wow, 3 movies in one day! Hope you're all ready for Tetris the Apocalypse! The file size is rather large, and it's a shame the sound files aren't compressed, but I like this movie. It's quite original, and pretty well made for a beginner. So I'm allowing the large file size to be overlooked this time. Hope you enjoy that movie as well as the others. Also, Mr. Happy Balloon has been removed by request of its artist.

Alrighty... I found a spot of trouble in the preloaders, but now it is fixed for good. Also I've changed the URL on the preloaders to go to www.cloudflash.co.nr instead of www.cloudflash.tk, because the .co.nr is... better. So the preloaders are 100% functional now, and tested and everything. Also, by request, "Homer Simpson Meets Mario" has been removed from Cloudflash. In other news, I've still got a bunch of uh... stuff in the making, and hopefully Cloudflash's other flash artists are working on things too.

Heya everyone! Cloudflash is finally back! The layout is completely different, and there are a lot of other changes, including a bunch of new sections. Some work still needs to be done on the forum, so you'll just have to wait for that. Also, none of the sections have content yet, so you'll have to wait on that too. I hope to have everything up and running soon.

Okay... I'll try to get back to working on the site. Once again, I have been drawn towards online games. I figured I should finish the smaller things on the site, and then move up towards the bigger things, such as the Animations page. So, I've done the small task of putting the History page together. It's not much, but at least it's something. :)
(edit) Woohoo, I did more work on Cloudflash. The Submit page is now done... for the most part. I just have to add the option of choosing a background.

I've put up some information on affiliation with Cloudflash at the Other section. It has pretty much anything you'd need to know about becoming an affiliate. Also, there's a link at the bottom of the affiliates on the right hand side of the page which will take you to the affiliation part of the Other section.

At long last, the forums are once again open! There have been changes to emoticons, skins, avatars, and more. It probably doesn't seem like it was such a hard task, but let me tell you, it was. I had to copy and paste a URL, hit enter, and repeat that process over 350 times just to get the list of avatars done. And before that, I had to upload all of those avatars to my photobucket! I had to upload and edit the URLs of over 30 images for each of the 12 current skins. I had to create new emoticons, organize them, and choose which ones I wanted to go. It definately shouldn't have taken as long as it did, but it was still hard work.
Lastly, I'm not sure if "karma"/"reputation" should stay or not. In the past it seemed to just be causing problems. Feedback needed...

Hey everyone, just letting you now I am still working on some stuff for Cloudflash (though I'm doing it very slowly). Today I decided I'd make the Download page. There aren't a lot of things to download at the moment, but I hope to add more wallpapers, preloaders, and even some Winamp skins (I think I'll look for some software to create skins... the method I have is quite a grueling task [gonk] ). I'm also thinking whether I should allow people to 'submit downloadables' or not. Feedback and whatnot appreciated :P

It's finally time for Cloudflash to get back up on its feet! The submission, game index, and movie index pages are ready! If you had something on Cloudflash before it shut down and reopened, I will send you an e-mail to see if you would still want it to be on the site. If you want to send in anything new, use the Submit page; it's ready to go. I will have my Flash games and animations up sooner than anyone else's, since I don't have to submit it to myself or get it confirmed. Review/Rating threads will be made in the Cloudflash board on the forums.

Okay, so I just finally started getting the animation index ready, and some of the animation pages... but at least I got something done... Anyhow, I put some of my animations up, and I'll still be having to contact whoever had things on Cloudflash before. Only some of the links on animations index work; I have some small things to chance on some of the other Flash movies before I put them up.

Okay, finally decided I'd do something about the "Comics" page... I put up all of my "An Improved Society" comics. That's all there is, that's all that's planned to ever be. The comic basically makes fun of Corey/Corey's comic, but has a little more to it than just that. I know this comic isn't great, in fact, some people might find it absolutely pointless. But there it is anyways. If you have some sort of comic you want to submit, then e-mail it to me. As for putting up other peoples' Flash content, I've been too lazy to e-mail the people. But I'll get on that right away. Oh, and if you're wondering why I used the sad kind of avatar on the site, it's 'cause I don't think I've used it yet... and I felt like using it and I'm not really pleased with these comics I guess...
(edit) I recommend you view the comics in Firefox so you can use the little 'zoom in' thing. If you insist on using Internet Explorer, then try saving them to your computer so they don't look squished and pixelly. If they look just fine, forget I said anything.

Alright, I finished my "Kung Fu" sprite movie, and now it's up and ready to view. Also be sure to check out "My Radio" by Skutieos7. We've also got a new comic series starting from Nathan of The Post Place called "The Life". They can be seen at the Comics section. I still need to make the Flash Artists section but since there isn't much variety of Flash artists on Cloudflash at the moment (since a lot of the people I e-mailed haven't replied yet...), I won't worry about it. Once there are 5 different submitters or something I'll make the Flash Artist section.
So yeah, check out the new comics by Nathan, check out My Radio by Skutieos, and check out Kung Fu. Make sure you vote and review the new movies, maybe make a new thread to comment in for Nathan's comics. Enjoy the stuff.

I was checking out some Flash stuff on Newgrounds a few days ago... not a lot of stuff, and none of that "front page" b.s., just some nice, average portal entries. I came across a "Mario Bloopers" Flash movie and decided to contact the creator to see if he'd want to submit it here. I thought the sprite movements were quite smooth and the movie overall was pretty good. Anyhow, Mario Bloopers is now up on Cloudflash! Also, I have been contacting Pyre and I'm hoping that we can expect to see the Evil Overlord series back on Cloudflash fairly soon. I haven't heard from Impressed Arts for a while, so I'm going to try e-mailing him about Tetris the Apocalypse. Hopefully he's making some cool new stuff... well, hopefully all the Flash artists are.
(edit) Woop, almost forgot to mention that Skutieos7 has a new movie up, which he made with PenguinLink, called The Robbery Attempt. Be sure to check that one out too.

At last I have uploaded Pyre's Evil Overlord series to Cloudflash. It shouldn't have taken a month... but it did. I'm shocked at myself for leaving Cloudflash without any sort of update for so long... (nono emoticon) Tisk tisk... Well, so now there are four more movies for you guys to watch, give a score to, and review. Hopefully we won't have to go so long without anything new on Cloudflash again due to lack of incoming content, lack of interest, or my complete laziness (most likely going to be that one if it does happen again).
While I'm at this, I guess I'll state that one of the players at Endless Online is making a Flash game of their own, based on a select few people who play Endless Online and the programmer for the game. So far you can kill the programmer using one of the characters, or you can be killed. It's basically just a button game so far, "click here to die", "click here to win", but the person making the game asked for some actionscripting help from me (even though I'm not a genius at it like Dem), so it'll probably be like more of a game. Perhaps with health bars and the sort... I'll give some more info on it when I know more...

Alright, finally an update. It all started when Skutieos sent me a PM suggesting I finally make the Flash Artists section... so I did! The Flash Artists section is all done and ready to go. It has a small profile of everyone who has submit something to the website. This small profile includes links to all their Flash work, their comics, their forum profile, and their website. Profile owners can also have a 100 x 100 image shown in their Flash Artist profile, as well as a small amount of text. To have these added, they'll have to PM me or send me an email containing the image and/or text.
In other news, I recently discovered someone took Sand Labyrinth and put it on their site without asking me. My game on their site can be found here:
I don't like that they took it without asking me, so I'll be contacting them, but I'm fine with it being there since they credited me and gave a link to Cloudflash.
(wow, almost a 2 month gap between the updates)

I had a good idea for the site out of nowhere, so today I went ahead and added it. You can now see a person's Flash Artist profile by clicking their name on the Animations, Games, and Comics pages. So suppose you're checking out the Games page, you see "Danny Poloskei - Meteolife". You can click "Danny Poloskei" to go to my Flash Artist profile. I also made it so you can click that text to get to the submission, and you can still also click the submission's picture to get to it. So if you click the text "Meteolife" it'll take you to Meteolife.
People who make comics will now be counted as Flash Artists... The thing is... I'm too lazy to make a "Comic Artist" page, or change what the "Flash Artist" page is called, so I'm just gonna go ahead and list people there even if they've only made comics and no Flash.
Skutieos has submitted "Dave the Duck", an animation. Check it out, review and rate.
I will be going through all of the submission pages sometime soon... I'm going to make it so the "Created by ____" will also link to their Flash Artist profile (I'm talking about on the page that actually has their submission, playable or viewable).
Planning to make myself new update avatars... I don't much care for these ones anymore.

I noticed that I messed up on some of the HTML on the Other section, and it was like that since I made the Other section for this third version of Cloudflash. So I've fixed it now, probably no one noticed... I also got sick of the blue backgrounds on the pages and frames, and replaced it with this red one I made today. I was drawing little Tetris blocks, which is what the main background is made of. The frame background is the same, but with dark lines covering most of it. I think it looks decent, and it makes the yellow text much easier to read.
(edit) Oh, and I also changed the forum's default background to... well it doesn't really match, but it's sort of almost close to the site. The forum's old default background no longer exists, so sorry to anyone who may have been using it and liked it.
I guess that's it for now.

I'm sure these frequent updates are getting annoying, but it can't be helped. Recently I've just been thinking up things I could add or edit, then I have to announce it so everyone is aware, and it just so happens that these things I do are fairly small, and these small things ... [full post lost to the ages]

Alright, so I've been pretty busy with work these past few weeks, but now it's easing up... Don't have to work again until Monday (the 13th). So I have time to add 2 of Skutieos' "A Bunch of Stupid Geeks in Sweatshirts" comics which he sent to me. You can check ... [full post lost to the ages]

So I've finally finished my Copy Ninja vs. Copyright movie. You can check it out on the Animations page. And uh... that's all I really have to say...

At long last, a new movie from Pyre! I don't know about you guys, but I certainly wasn't expecting it. Expected or not though, it's more than welcome. Pyre's new movie is titled "Don the Duck", and it is a spoof of "Dave the Duck". This appears to be the second spoofing ...

Alright, we've got a new game up on the site called Dodge-em 2 and it was created by one of our affiliates, www.dp-games.com. So go check that out, review it, and give it a rating. For the site, I noticed some broken image links a couple of times, so I've updated those... the navigation... [full post lost to the ages]

Alright, so I had a comic I made at some point in time on the Comics page for a while, but I was far too lazy to announce it or even mention it on the forums. It's nothing special, but whatever... you can see it in the Comics page. Also our member Hokuto Hattori has made a comic... [full post lost to the ages]