I don't know what the hell it is, but for some reason I feel like working on Flash games/animations and other Cloudflash stuff. The unfortunate part is that I have to work from tomorrow to Monday, and on Monday the holidays are over. So then I'll have to deal with both school and work, cutting...

I've changed the way the updates look... The top has some scrolling text saying what kind of update it is. Website Update, New Game Added, New Comic Added, et cetera. To the left is my update avatar, as it was before. To the right is a picture to represent the type of update. And the bottom has two links: [View Post] and [Comment]. [View Post] shows the topic on the forums, [Comment] gets you ready to write a reply on the forums. Also, the website and forums have a "favicon". It's a tiny red katana with Japanese writing for "Cloud" above it which shows up right before the website's URL. I would've wrote "Cloud" or even "Cloudflash" in English, but it wouldn't fit, so I just went ahead with the Japanese. You'll only be able to see the favicon on www.freewebs.com/cloudflash and not on www.cloudflash.co.nr, so if you come to Cloudflash through the .co.nr, you can just click the logo at the top of the screen to be redirected to the freewebs URL and the favicon should show up. The favicon should show up on the forums without any sort of trouble like this. I also did a very small update in the History section. Oh, and I changed my update avatars a bit.

Some of you may remember the "Super Nothing" Flash animations created by Corey Ruecker. It seems that whenever I've done a complete update on Cloudflash (so big an update Cloudflash "moves up a version"), I've removed all of the previous games and animations, then had them submit again. The first version of Cloudflash had over 100 submissions, then in the next version they were pretty much all gone and only the quality ones stayed (after refreshing the permission). Then there were some pretty cool movies later, like Tidyman by Antony Bolton, then in the next version they were all removed again and only stayed if re-submit. So we're missing out on some movies/games right now since I've been having a hard time refreshing the permission and getting a little bit of additional submission info. We've lost aMAZEing, Tetris the Apocalypse, Tidyman, Techno, and probably more. But today Super Nothing is back. And now Super Nothing 2 is here too! It's existed for a while, but it was never on Cloudflash until now. So enjoy the movies. I'm pretty busy with schoolwork and stuff, so don't expect any new submissions from me for a while.

Alright... I've changed the way the frames look on the site. Instead of having such huge borders around them, they have slim black ones. This should give the center of the page a little more room. I also shrunk the sizes of the outter frames a little bit to give the center frame more space. I finally got around to changing the little copyright info at the bottom of every page. I changed the way it was written a little bit, but most importantly I've turned it into an obnoxious image with contrasting colours. The contrasting colours part was to make sure it got some attention, the image part was so I would only have to change the one image to affect every page. This saves me the trouble of editing each page individually whenever the text needs to be modified. I've done a pretty nice update on the Downloads page if I do say so myself. Before it was just text on the background, but now I've organized it into tables, so it looks better and it's easier to read. I added a little info thing about submitting downloads in the Other section. We have a new wallpaper available for download from Impressed Arts... so uh... check it out. Speaking of Impressed Arts, he said Tetris the Apocalypse can still be on Cloudflash, so expect it to be back up soon. I'm planning to pretty up the Submit page with tables like I did to the Downloads page... Also planning to update the Cloudflash logo some time soon since it still says 2004-2006 when it should say 2004-2007. Lastly, I'm thinking I should separate this modern Cloudflash from the older, but similar version of Cloudflash... You know, the one that had blue backgrounds and different update avatars, but still frames. Everything's happening gradually instead of suddenly, but I think the way things are now are very different from how they were those months ago.

Alright, some new stuff is on Cloudflash today... "Tetris The Apocalypse" by Impressed Arts is ready to watch and is listed in the Animations section. Skutieos7 has created a new "A Bunch of Stupid Geeks in Sweatshirts" comic (the new one is #7). I added Impressed Arts to the Flash Artists section and did some unnoticeable updates on that page. Skutieos has created Cloudflash's first downloadable song, titled "Swimming" and can be found at the Downloads section. Impressed Arts created Cloudflash's first downloadable PSP wallpapers, as well as some new computer wallpapers. I'm not sure how PSP wallpapers work, how to get them on the PSP, and whatever else, so I don't have any instructions regarding it at the Downloads section. Lastly, there is word that Skutieos is planning to submit a new movie soon.

Alright, some new stuff has been added again, and only 2 days after the previous update! We've got a new "A Bunch of Stupid Geeks in Sweatshirts" comic from Skutieos7. There has also been a modification on Skutieos7's B.S.G.S. #2. And finally, I've made a new Occasional Comic... I plan to finish the ones I've planned out eventually... The Download section's PSP Wallpapers have proper instructions now, thanks to Impressed Arts. Skutieos7 has a new movie out, "Yoshi The Homicidal Dinosaur", so check it out and all that sort. Lastly, I've done some insignificant little changes which no one will notice.

I made and added a new Occasional Comic... Making comics is sort of fun... It doesn't take too long, so it doesn't become tedious, like making games and movies; it doesn't require any special programs, so anyone can do it; they don't require a whole lot of thought or effort. Sort of fun as it is, I must be cautious... These are "occasional comics", not "frequent comics". Anyhow, enjoy the comic if you can, and don't be afraid to make your own comics. Skutieos7 has also made a new comic, A Bunch of Stupid Geeks in Sweatshirts #9, and has edited #3.

Ahh, too many updates! New stuff is good and all, but then I have to download the stuff, write the HTML for it, upload the files and HTML documents... A small price to pay I suppose. There are lots of new things to download at the Downloads section. A number of wallpapers and one song from Bomber109 have been added. Impressed Arts has created the first ever AIM avatar download on Cloudflash, so a new little sub-section in Downloads was added for it and any other AIM avatars. There's also a new movie up, Mario's Awesome Adventure by Bomber 109.

Agh, Impressed Arts sent me some comics a few weeks ago but I was too lazy to get them on the site... but they're on the site now. Sorry about that, Impressed Arts. I also made a comic of my own for the occasion... So that's a total of 3 new comics you can find at the Comics section. I guess that's everything for this update.

Whew, Cloudflash's bandwidth is back (1 day earlier than freewebs claimed). I'm still a bit confused on how the main site used up so much bandwidth while my secondary account (used for extra hosting) was nowhere near running out. I'm going to move some of the more popular stuff to my emptier extra hosting accounts... maybe people are finding those with search engines somehow. So things like Meteolife will be moved, but it won't make any visible difference whatsoever. While the site was down, I went to freedomain.co.nr to change the URL cloudflash.co.nr goes to so people wouldn't see the "out of bandwidth" thing. While I was there I found out that there was a little "favicon on/off" option, so I turned it on, so now you can see the little favicon even on the .co.nr URL.

It's been quite a while, but Cloudflash is finally up and running once more. There are two new songs to download at the Downloads section, there's one new B.S.G.S. comic, and one new movie, "The Trampoline", all by Skutieos! I was gonna make a comic for Cloudflash's return, but I haven't gotten to it yet... I'll do that later... I did do something though...! I reorganized the History so it goes from old to new... so now you can read about the History of Cloudflash from top to bottom instead of vice versa. I also added some missing history to the beginning. Oh right, the main update here is the fact that Cloudflash has a new host, www.110mb.com! It's far superior to freewebs in several ways which I will not list. So uh... don't go to the freewebs site anymore... Go to www.cloudflash.co.nr or www.cloudflash.110mb.com.

Ah, an update for Cloudflash... I should have wrote one a while ago when Bomber109's movie, music, and comics were added, but I was far too lazy. So anyhow, if you weren't aware already, Bomber109 has a new movie on Cloudflash, and the other one is a bit difficult because of its file size, so you'll have to keep waiting to see that one. There are some new songs by Bomber109 in the downloads section... Bomber109 also submit 3 comics, so check those out... Speaking of comics, I've changed the name of my "Occasional Comics" to "C-Mix [Cloudflash Mix]". I also created 3 new ones, so check'em out. I have more planned... as I had those ones planned... I just gotta get around to drawing them on the computer... Lastly, Cloudflash may be going .net in the near future... I'll keep you guys updated on that.

Cloudflash will be going through some changes, so all of the content is temporarily down. I'm hoping to have everything up and running again within a week, but I'm making no promises.

Ahoy everyone, Cloudflash is running again. I was actually done with redesigning the site on May 21, but I was waiting for the .net... the wait is too long, so I decided to release Cloudflash as is. As you can see, I've updated the layout and some other stuff: new navigation buttons, and if you put your mouse over them they change; I added a hood to my update avatars; I made new background images; I changed the update images; and well, there are lots of other things changed. Cloudflash is now using CSS and a little bit of PHP. Lastly, I made a new C-Mix comic, Bomber109's "Mario Teh Imposter" movie is now up, and Impressed Arts' "Tetris the Apocalypse" is temporarily unavailable.

Ah... it feels like it's been so long since the last update, but it hasn't even been two weeks. I apologize for having not finished anything lately... I have some stuff to deal with... This is the last week of school before exams, so I have some stuff I gotta finish. Then it's exam week, so I might be a bit busy... Then I must deal with getting a job and moving out. After that's all said and done I intend to do a lot of Flash work, but for the time being you'll all have to continue to be patient. Anyhow, Corey has submit something to Cloudflash! Gasp! It's been so long since we've seen anything out of him. He has started "Rueck Book Comics", and there are two comics to start things off. We also have a new movie from Naomi (Hokuto Hattori); it's been quite some time, but she has created a movie now all on her own. You can find it near the bottom of the second Movies page. Enjoy the new content!

Visitors and members of Cloudflash, I am proud to announce that we now have a .net domain! You can now access Cloudflash by going to www.cloudflash.net! At last, Cloudflash has received its free domain from HostBidder. If you want to get a free domain of your own, you should check them out. In other news, I kind of almost feel like working on Flash stuff...

I made some pretty good progress on The Sandwich Maker, but it was getting too tedious, so I'm taking a break from it. I've been playing Endless Online again lately, and I suddenly got motivated to make a sloppy Endless Online based movie. It's nothing special, and it's sort of intended for EO players, but you might find some entertainment in it. It's incomplete, but I update it now and then... You can find the movie at this page.

I started working on StickFighter 2 recently, and I think I can actually get this done without an incredible amount of time... The game is still in progress/testing... You can see a preview -here-. I think the warehouse background is causing some lag right now, but I'll either fix that or get rid of what I believe is causing the lag, so check on it now and then. Also, I'm thinking of changing my update avatars once again, though I'm sure nobody really cares about that. Oh, and the forum smileys... I was thinking of redoing those too...

I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted to have a little random image in the top-right corner of the page. As you can see, I went ahead and added it. There are currently three "Cloudflash characters" that will show up at random: myself, Jake (from The Rakers), and Taun Bu (from Supernatural Fighters, formerly known as StickFighter). It didn't go with the old black/red gradient header, so I changed that to be a plain field and sky. I also changed the Cloudflash logo a little bit to make it match better. The site is called Cloudflash, so I figured I should make it relate to clouds at least a little bit... Some people stare at Clouds; sometimes they're just relaxing, sometimes they do it for fun, and sometimes they're just plain bored. I think that captures the very essence of Cloudflash. The cloud is the ultimate symbol for this website. Anyhow, back to the updates... I do plan to add other Cloudflash characters, such as the guy from The Sandwich Maker. Next item... affiliates. It looks like Cloudflash's affiliates have been dying out, yet again. I've removed most of the inactive ones, and all of the completely dead ones. Also, there was a bad link to one of the affiliate minibanners on the forum; it's fixed now. And, the last thing I have to say regarding affiliates, I've added a third Cloudflash minibanner to the Contact page. I actually made this a long time ago, but I was too lazy to put it on the site. Next, I've finally bothered to start working on the Submit page. It isn't really all that appealing or convenient... in fact, it's a lot like Cloudflash's old submit forms. I tried to make it a little bit simpler by not requesting things like "warnings" and "age suitable for"... I can determine those things myself. It currently just has intructions for submitting movies... I'll add the instructions for submitting the other stuff later... I haven't made my new update avatars yet, but I'm definitely planning to... Supernatural Fighters 2 is going well... You can play as N. Reggy now, but you have to choose Zomborg as your opponent. I'm still working on the AI... I just have to make the AI recognize attacks from above, and I have to make them a little more careless with blocking... they're very harsh with that right now. After the AI is done, it'll be pretty clear sailing.

As you may have noticed, I got around to making my new update avatars... Also, I think I'm done being "Negative Light". From now on, my movies/games will be released as "Cloudflash", not "Negative Light". I made a new preloader and intro for myself... I plan to go back to each of my Flash games/movies and change them so they have the new preloader/intro, and I'll be changing all of the Cloudflash links within the movies/games to go to the .net URL rather than the .co.nr URL. Lastly, I think I'm gonna look through Cloudflash's past and find the original submission dates. Some of the content was on this site for years, but I always reset its release date when I make a new version of Cloudflash... this has to stop. It's inaccurate... So yeah... I'll be doing that right now.

Escape 2 is in progress... I've decided to call it "Omega Meteo Inc." instead though... "Escape" is too generic of a title; if anyone was searching for the game for some reason, they'd never be able to find it by searching "Escape". There's a little bit of character customization available. Anyhow, there's a link to this game's preview on the Misc. (Miscellaneous) page. If you notice any glitches, please post them here. Keep in mind it's still in progress though, so you can expect certain things, like going to a room's exit and then nothing happens.

At last, I've scanned some comics I made a long time ago... I didn't bother colouring or changing them at all, but I think they're fine... Anyhow, go check out the three new Cloudflash Mix comics on the Comics page. Also, I've updated the Omega Meteo Inc. demo; there are now three fully playable levels.

Hmm... I can't really say I've been too productive lately. I still have several projects in progress, which I've hardly touched, and I got an idea for a Christmas movie, but I doubt I'll have it done in time. I updated "Danno's Endless Adventures" a little bit, but I doubt anyone really cares about that. There's a new wallpaper in the Downlaods section by Sakahki Osaka.

Well, first I'd like to say merry Christmas to all of Cloudflash's members and guests. I know it's not Christmas yet, but I doubt I'll get a chance to wish you the best on that day since most of you will probably be busy. Enjoy your days off if you have any. Next, I've sort of finished Cloudflash's 2007 Christmas wallpaper. It's available in the Downloads section. I was hoping to make it better, but I kind of lost motivation. I feel pretty lame for having not finished any Flash movies/games this year... and here I call myself a Flash artist... Hopefully I'll be able to finish old and new projects alike throughout the new year. New year... right... Have a happy new year.

Well... To be blunt, I'll be moving into an apartment soon with my friend Corey. I probably won't have a computer for a while, nor internet, so if I'm gone for a while, that's why. The worst part of all that is that I'm in the mood to work on Supernatural Fighters 2. I've created and completed another playable character, Taun Bu; I've finished N. Reggy by giving him his victory stance and adding blood to his attacks; I've decided to give all of the fighters faces/hair, and have done so with the current fighters; I've made it so you can set the AI's behaviour in training mode (only works with N. Reggy currently); I've added a new level - "Mountains". I've updated the file, so you can check it out in the Miscellaneous section. Well, farewell for now...