Cloudflash was born on August 18th, 2004.
In 1999, I discovered a free WYSIWYG website. I was extremely intrigued, leading me to create my own lame website. I pretty much worked on it non-stop for about a month; it was ugly and pointless, but I had fun making it. One day, I tried to log on, but was informed my 30 day free trial has expired... I had no idea what that meant at first, but soon found out it meant my site was no more. Some years later, free webhosting gained popularity. Growing up on the internet and thinking having a website would be the coolest thing imaginable, I created my own website!
Graphics and more elaborate HTML coding were implemented to make the site less appalling to look at. It started out as a bright yellow eyesore and became a different kind of eyesore with some awful background images! Lots of old Flash animations and games featuring stick men were removed as the site took some steps towards improving quality.

Graphics are introduced.
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2005
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2006
The site was redesigned again to make it easier to read and navigate.
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2006
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2007
The website gradually morphed into a new layout as my HTML and artistic knowhow improved.
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2007
The website continued to change in a better direction. However, I grew to be disappointed with Cloudflash's outdated appearance, telling myself I'd try and redesign it since 2010. I made new plans nearly every year, but never quite followed through with it. Cloudflash had became so much bigger and more complex than it ever was, so it was a pretty big commitment to scrap it and start anew.

Frames are removed as Cloudflash's layout stabilizes.

Cloudflash switches back to blue in 2008, evolves into this form by 2009, and remains fairly consistent until 2019.
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2007
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2008
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2009
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2010
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2011
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2012
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2013
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2014
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2015
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2016
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2017
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2018
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2019
At long last, I brought Cloudflash into the 21st century with a fresh look. The website became more efficiently designed, reasonably mobile-friendly, and at least partially social media-friendly. The forum was removed in 2021 as it was too much of a hassle to update and nobody used it anymore.

Cloudflash finally achieves a competent design in late 2019.
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2019
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2020
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2021
Archive of Cloudflash's news posts: 2022